Here at Shopping Nanny we understand what a chore it is to go grocery shopping. Sometime just getting to the store is a challenge.
Here are 3 tips to stick to that will make your next trip easier
1. If you hate crowds and lines, shop at dinnertime (5-9 p.m.) or even later. Only 4% of shoppers hit the aisles between 9 p.m. and 8 a.m. The least crowded day of the week? Wednesday.
2. Skip the center aisles. That's where you'll find all the junk and snack food items.
3. Dig and reach for the freshest produce. Older merchandise gets pushed to the front of the bin and spread across the top to encourage customers to take it first. Also, familiar produce such as broccoli, celery, apples, etc. have a higher turn over rate than the exotic foods such as star fruit, dragon fruit, or papaya. So dig deep and be selective.
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